NBA Finals Picks: Expect the Warriors to Survive a Lengthy Series


If you’re curious, you can look back at our staff predictions from the preseason and right before the playoffs started.

Five of us predicted a Finals rematch before the season started, but only three of us (McIntyre, Douglas, Shamburger) had the Warriors and Cavaliers meeting again when we made predictions in April. Douglas and Shamburger have had the Cavs winning it all from the start and McIntyre flipped from the Cavs preseason to the Warriors repeating. Let’s see if anyone can get it right now that we’re down to a 50/50 shot.

Stephen Douglas

Preseason Pick: Cavs over Warriors in 6
Postseason Prediction: Cavs over Warriors in 6
Current NBA Finals Prediction: Cavs over Warriors in 6
Finals MVP: LeBron James

Ryan Glasspiegel

Current NBA Finals Prediction: Warriors over Cavs in 6
Finals MVP: Klay Thompson

Tyler Duffy

Current NBA Finals Prediction: Cavs over Warriors in 7
Finals MVP: LeBron James

Ryan Phillips

Current NBA Finals Prediction: Warriors over Cavs in 6
Finals MVP: Klay Thompson

Kyle Koster

Preseason Pick: Cavs over Spurs
Current NBA Finals Prediction: Cavs over Warriors in 6
Finals MVP: LeBron James

Jason McIntyre

Preseason Pick: Cavs over Warriors
Postseason Prediction: Warriors over Cavs in 7
Current NBA Finals Prediction: Warriors over Cavs in 7
Finals MVP: Stephen Curry

Michael Shamburger

Preseason Pick: Cavs over Warriors
Postseason Prediction: Cavs over Warriors in 7
Current NBA Finals Prediction: Cavs over Warriors in 7
Finals MVP: LeBron James