Aaron Rodgers Swears Off Cheese to Get Healthier


Aaron Rodgers is down to his weight from 2007, before he became the Green Bay starting quarterback. He did so by eliminating cheese and other dairy from his diet, according to the Journal-Sentinel.

"“I just wanted to get healthier,” Rodgers said. “I’ve done a lot of research and talked with Adam Korzun, our nutritionist, and some other friends around the league about how I can extend my career and how I can be and feel healthier. “Through your eating, you can reduce inflammation. Because if you do research, you learn the different foods you eat can actually increase the inflammation in your body — and especially in certain parts of your body.”"

This would usually not be a big deal, but Rodgers plays in a state where they take cheese curds and deep fry them, and call it food. The guess is people will get over Rodgers not consuming cheese as long as he doesn’t publicly come out with an anti-beer platform.