Bret Hart Legit Dismayed About Having Worse WWE Video Game Rating than Triple H


Bret Hart has a podcast, and in it you catch regular glimpses of how seriously he took and takes the professional wrestling business. This has always been the case, from Scott Hall talking about how the Hitman’s house was a shrine to his own wrestling accomplishments, to all of the dynamics leading up to and following the infamous Montreal Screwjob.

Around the 29-minute mark of the most recent episode (audio up-top), Hart was asked about WWE video games, and he gave a very Bret Hart response:

Hart concluded: “It should be based on reality, not who you know in the office. Vince could make [Triple H] a 35-time world champion, it doesn’t mean he’s 35 times better than everyone else. He’s just not. As far as the games go, I just think they should be honest.”