Potential Brock Lesnar Anti-Doping Violation Communicated to UFC [UPDATE]

This was an interesting tweet to read from ESPN MMA reporter Brett Okamoto on a Friday afternoon:
The UFC has been notified of a potential anti-doping violation by Brock Lesnar, stemming from June 28.
— Brett Okamoto (@bokamotoESPN) July 15, 2016
Lesnar defeated Mark Hunt, a top 10 UFC heavyweight, at UFC 200 this past Saturday (which of course occurred after June 28th). Lesnar has been, prior to this report at least, scheduled to face Randy Orton at WWE SummerSlam.
WWE recently suspended Roman Reigns for violating the company’s wellness policy (but did not specify the nature of the violation), and UFC recently pulled Jon Jones from the scheduled main event against Daniel Cormier at 200 for an anti-doping violation.
While this report is very preliminary, it is fair to say that Lesnar’s immediate future in both WWE and UFC is in question.
UPDATE: TMZ says UFC has announced this violation: “UFC says USADA learned of the potential violation late Thursday night … 5 days after the fight.”
This is a developing story and will be updated if new information is reported