Report: Baylor Silenced And Threatened Sexual Assault Victims


A new report from the Associated Press on Sunday claims officials at Baylor silenced women who reported being victims of sexual assault by threatening them. Some victims were told their parents would be notified if they had been drinking and given details of what had happened. The women also faced expulsion if they admitted to consuming alcohol.

Chad Dunn, a Houston attorney representing six women who are suing Baylor had the following to say:

"“A number of victims were told that if they made a report of rape, their parents would be informed of the details of where they were and what they were doing.”"

Baylor’s code of conduct allows the school to expel students for drug and alcohol use. That led to many victims being afraid to come forward out of fear they would be kicked out of school.

The report from the AP is both shocking and infuriating. Here’s another section that should make your blood boil:

"One woman said her case began when she called police to report a physical assault on another woman at an off-campus party. Police demanded to know if she was underage and had been drinking, then arrested and reported her to the school office that investigates conduct code violations, she said. She told Baylor officials her drinking was a result of being raped a month earlier and detailed what happened in person and in a letter. She received and alcohol code violation and told to do 25 hours community service, when she tried to appeal, the woman said Baylor officials urged her to drop it. The school never pursued her rape claim. “I was told by many Baylor staff that they couldn’t do anything for me because my assault was off campus, yet they had no problem punishing me for my off-campus drinking,” the woman said."

That is absolutely unacceptable. Universities are required by law to investigate all claims of sexual assault against students, even if they happen off campus. The culture at Baylor was so focused on minor violations that the administration either couldn’t comprehend or willfully ignored sexual assault claims. Either way it was a criminal dereliction of duty and everyone in the administration should be fired. That is the only acceptable solution to this mess.