Did People Clapping for Usain Bolt Lead to JFK Airport Evacuation?
By Kyle Koster

Clapping and banging from passengers watching the Olympics may have been perceived as gunshots and prompted the evacuation of two terminals at JFK airport Sunday night, an official told NBC New York.
"A senior law enforcement official told NBC News that the concern started when a woman coming off a plane said she thought she’d heard gunfire. Two other law enforcement officials also said at least one person reported having heard gunfire."
The first report of “gunfire” came at 9:30 p.m., just as Usain Bolt was dusting Justin Gatlin and the rest of the field. If ever there were a time to clap and bang, Bolt winning his third consecutive gold medal in the event qualifies.
New York police reported early Monday morning that Terminals 1 and 8 had been searched and cleared with no evidence of any shot being fired. A brief ground stop was imposed and then lifted.
JFK UPDATE: All terminals searched & cleared. Negative results. All affected terminals will resume operations shortly. No shots were fired.
— NYPD Special Ops (@NYPDSpecialops) August 15, 2016