Slow Play on a Golf Course Leads to a Man Getting Stabbed
By Michael Shamburger

As we’ve seen lately, golf can be quite a heated game. Just recently two guys got into a fist fight on a Colorado golf course because one hit into the group ahead. Now comes a story out of Utah at the Payson City Golf Course that involves a man getting stabbed because of slow play.
"Via KUTV: According to Lieutenant Bill Wright with Payson Police, around 8:20 p.m. Saturday night a group of four golfers were playing ahead of a 61-year-old Lee Johnson and his his wife. The man and woman thought that the group was going too slow and wanted to play through, but the group did not want them too. Wright says a fight broke out and the club house was called out and resolved the dispute. Around the ninth hole, Johnson and his wife caught up with part of the group and thought they would be allowed to play through, but again the group refused. Johnson then pulled a pocket knife and stabbed one person, Wright said. He was wrestled to the ground by the other golfer from the group. According to Wright, one man received a small cut. Wright said the victim was sent to Mountain View hospital with non life-threatening injuries. Johnson was taken to the Utah County Jail. Authorities say Johnson’s wife was not involved with the stabbing and was not arrested."
Look guys, I know sometimes slow play can be frustrating, but it’s really not worth getting so worked up that someone ends up getting sent to the hospital over. We’ve all played with “that guy” who likes to take his time over every little shot like he’s playing in the final round of the Masters, and we’ve all played behind a group who is playing their own major tournament.
Just remember to take into account that everyone is on the course to enjoy themselves. If you’re playing slow, let people play through, and if you’re playing fast, try to make the move when it’s appropriate. If you can’t, call the clubhouse and get them to help you out.
Don’t freaking stab people. It’s just golf.