NFL Emoji Hashtags Ranked From Best to L.A. Rams
The NFL has teamed up with Twitter to give each team an official hashtag that produces a team helmet emoji. Some of the hashtags are good. Most are fine. Some are stupid and bad. Here they are, ranked from best to L.A. Rams.
The @NFL and @Twitter release new emojis for all 32 teams. @TwitterSports#RiseUp #DawgPound #FinsUp #FlyEaglesFly
— Good Morning America (@GMA) September 7, 2016
1. #DallasCowboys
The full name of the team. This makes perfect sense because it is the name of the team. Why didn’t they just do this for every team?
2. #Broncos
They won the Super Bowl so they have to be ahead of the Patriots.
3-6. Actual Team Nicknames
#Chiefs, #Jaguars, #Chargers, #Patriots
Short and to the point. There is no confusion. If you’re not going to put any thought into these things, go the most straightforward route.
7-8. Go Teams
#GoPackGo, #GoNiners
These are things that people say.
9-13. Common Parlance
#WhoDey, #DawgPound, #RaiderNation, #HTTR, #RiseUp
These are all things I have heard associated with those franchises previously. Some of them are dumb, but those fanbases have taken ownership of those dumb things for decades!
14-16. So Close!
#Saints50, #GiantsPride, #FeedDaBears
The Saints and Giants are both teams! This is the Saints 50th season, but that seems like needless trivia when tweeting about them. Why are we feeding Da Bears?
17. Well, Technically They Are.
This will not get a lot of use.
18-20. Uncommon Up
#TitanUp, #JetUp, #FinsUp
Titan up your hashtags. Jet up sounds like “nut up” and why not #GangGreen? “Fins up” sounds like a dolphin (the animal) is about to be arrested outside a South Beach nightclub.
21. #GoBills
You know it’s the Bills Mafia dammit. They are a proud, but sad group. At least give them this.
22-23. Bird Things
#FlyEaglesFly, #RavensFlock
Ducks stick together.
24. Chewing Tobacco
Pretty close!
25. #SiegeTheDay
Pointless pun.
26-27. Huh?
#KeepPounding, #BeRedSeeRed,
The Panthers have a drum. The Cardinals are Angry Birds.
28. #OnePride
So, is the Giants pride a group of lions? #ZeroPride would be more fitting for the Detroit Lions.
29. #WeAre12
It’s dumb. It was dumb before it was stolen from Texas A&M. It’s dumb now that their home field advantage has disappeared with their #1 defense.
31. #HereWeGo
This is a light beer slogan.
32. #MobSquad
Why? There are no Google results which means this is completely made up. Being in Los Angeles should afford many opportunities. How about #StraightOuttaStLouis?