VIDEO: Northwest Missouri State Scores on Insane Half-Ending Interception Return with 3 Laterals
By Kyle Koster

" You won’t see a play like this all day… Check this out! @NWBearcatsFB @bearcatsports @NCAADII — American Sports Net (@LiveOnASN) October 29, 2016 "
There are crazy plays and then there are plays that make you question reality. What Northwest Missouri State did just before halftime against Pittsburg State is the latter.
As time expired in the second quarter, Kevin Berg intercepted a pass at his own 9-yard line. He returned it 60 yards before flipping it backward to Edward Richey, who tossed it wildy up for grabs. A Bearcats player came down with it and deftly handed off to 280-pound defensive end Harold Brantley, who did his best impression of a running back by taking it to the end zone untouched.
If you like Fat Guy Touchdowns, you’ll love this. And if you don’t like FGTDs, how do you live with yourself?