Honest Dad Joe Flacco Finds Rare Bright Spot in NFL's London Experiment
By Kyle Koster

The Baltimore Ravens-Jacksonville Jaguars game in 2017 will be played in London as part of the NFL’s initiative to grow the game globally. The London games haven’t exactly become a beloved part of the professional football fan’s calendar, but Joe Flacco stumbled into a rare selling point for the series.
The built-in parental break.
"Flacco joked with the media Thursday that he’s changed his opinion on going to London recently. “I kind of always had a negative stance on it, but I’m warming up to the idea,” Flacco said. “I have four kids now. I think that’s probably why I’m looking at it a little bit more optimistically. It’ll be good to get away from them.”"
Flacco and his wife Dana have four children under the age of five so he is well on his way to becoming the next Philip Rivers. He was quite obviously being facetious but behind every joke there’s a shred of truth. In this case that truth is the undeniably priceless relative peace and quiet a child-free jaunt across the pond provides.
Want to check out the Globe Theatre without toddlers running amuck? You can. Want to grab a delicious meat pie and several pints without wrangling up booster seats? Feel free. Say cheerio to proper freedom and have a laugh.
When it’s all said and done it may be this — finding a bright spot in a London game — and not his Super Bowl ring that will be the lasting legacy of Flacco’s career. In terms of degree of difficulty, both are equally impressive feats.