Richard Sherman Suggests NFL Injury Reports Might Be For the Benefit of Gamblers

Richard Sherman likes to speak truthfully. During his Wednesday press conference Sherman talked about NFL injury reports and why the NFL might take them so seriously.
Richard Sherman rips the NFL on injury reporting rules: "Our injury report is specifically to make sure the gamblers get their odds right."
— Seattle Times Sports (@SeaTimesSports) September 20, 2017
Here it is in print via ESPN:
"“From what I understand, the rule is for the gamblers, for Vegas, to make sure that the odds and everything are what they’re supposed to be, which is apparently what the league is concerned about when talking about injuries and things like that,” Sherman said. “So maybe somebody should look into that, because I thought we weren’t a gambling league and we were against all those things. But our injury report is specifically to make sure the gamblers get their odds right.”"
You know, I think he may be on to something. The NFL responded, telling the Seattle Times that the policy is in place so that no one can sell or exploit inside information.
"“It is designed for competitive fairness purposes and curtails the potential for someone to attempt to gain and exploit inside information. Without such a policy, you could envision a potential scenario in which a teammate or team personnel could be approached by a third party to sell inside information about a player’s undisclosed injury that could sideline or inhibit his performance. The policy, which is closely monitored by the league, provides a transparent look at player availability.”"
It… kind of sounds like they’re talking about gambling, but we all know the NFL has nothing to do with gambling. Just like Richard Sherman said. Move along!