Tom Haberstroh Leaving ESPN, What's Next?

NBA media member Tom Haberstroh is leaving ESPN to take two different new jobs, two people with knowledge of the news tell The Big Lead. Unauthorized to speak publicly on the matter, the people requested anonymity.
One of the things he’ll be doing is joining Spotlight Media Ventures, as a co-founder with equity, and participating in the launch of their Leverage the Chat multimedia network. This group has already launched The Basketball Friends with Zach Harper, BIG Wos, BLK Tray, and former ESPN multimedia producer Jade Hoye. Haberstroh will contribute to that podcast and also lead other audio and video projects.
Spotlight Media Ventures was first founded last year by former Fox Sports producer Brian Sussman as a company to help media members and comedians sell ads on podcasts. They are now delving into original content, and further show and talent announcements are forthcoming in the coming weeks.
Further, Haberstroh will be writing features for Bleacher Report. Haberstroh’s features at ESPN included the Tinderization of today’s NBA and looks into the underlying issues behind DNP-rest.