Markelle Fultz is Practicing Left-Handed Three-Pointers, But Continue to Trust the Process


Markelle Fultz’s shooting form turned into a hot topic early this season because who could ignore a No. 1 pick suddenly shooting free throws like this?

Fultz’s ugly mechanics were blamed on a bad shoulder and that injury has shut him down. He still needs to get his work in, though, which led to this brief moment of panic earlier today.

Reasonable or not, these tweets and unimpressive video led even the most process-trusting Sixers fans to wonder if Fultz was transitioning to a lefty — not that there’s anything wrong with that. It’s just that’s an usual thing for a young superstar in training to do, even in 2017.

Those fears were allayed with some clarification.

This, of course, is exactly what the Sixers would want you to think if they were secretly turning Fultz into a southpaw. Maybe they got to Neubeck to throw us all off the scent.