A Pelicans Fan Snuck onto the Court for Warmups, So Here's Our Scouting Report


Stop everything you are doing right now, and watch this video of a New Orleans Pelicans  fan sneaking into the warmup line. I promise it will give you a laugh:

I love this man, and I can’t lie, I’ve dreamt about doing this exact same thing for years now!

Since we analyze everything in today’s world, let’s do a quick scouting report on my guy here:

Stretching: D

What kind of stretches is our guy even doing? He needs to chill before he injures himself.

Shot: C

His shooting form itself is not bad at all, but his feet placement and follow through definitely need some work.

Overall: Legend

You have to love this guy’s hustle. Not only did he sneak into warm-ups and get some stretches in, but he also managed to get a shot up without being arrested.  And to top it all off, I love how he is rocking a Nike Therma Flex Hoodie to fit in.

But there are still a couple of things I would like to know before the day is over…

1. Who actually passed him the ball? Who did they think he was?!

2. What did the officer say to him at the end there?

Either way, this guy is now my hero, and I hope one day I can reenact this exact same thing at the United Center.