Brent Musburger Advocates Steroid Use


Musberger argues the jury is still out on steroids.

"“I’ve had somebody say that, you know, steroids should be banned because they’re not healthy for you,” he told the students Tuesday. “Let’s go find out. What do the doctors actually think about anabolic steroids and the use by athletes? Don’t have a preconceived notion that this is right or this is wrong.”"

Medical professionals disagree. Here is Dr. Gary Wadler, from the World Anti-Doping Agency.

"“He’s categorically wrong, and if he’d like to spend a day in my office, I can show him voluminous literature going back decades about the adverse effects of steroids,” he said. “They have a legitimate role in medicine that’s clearly defined. But if it’s abused, it can have serious consequences.”"

Musberger blames the overzealousness of “journalism youngsters.” He believes “the issue of steroids should be left in the hands of a doctor and not in the hands of a journalist.”

The use of steroids has therapeutic benefits. The ABUSE of steroids, to enhance natural athletic ability, may have disastrous side-effects. Reputable Doctors are fairly clear on this. The science may be inexact, but that shouldn’t be carte blanche to use them. It’s not a given you will contract a sexually transmitted disease from unprotected sex. That doesn’t mean you should waltz into a 1972 Led Zeppelin style orgy unsheathed.

The health effects, though important, are an ancillary point. Using steroids is cheating. Every sporting body in the world has outlawed the usage of them. They are illegal. There’s no moral ambiguity there. Certain media members may have been sanctimonious, but that doesn’t make the point invalid.

There is someone in this story who shouldn’t meddle in things he knows little about, Brent Musberger.

[Photo via Getty]