Kate Upton Walking the Runway in Slowmotion
By Tim Ryan

I don’t think there’s a better way to cap off a hard-worked Monday amidst the unfathomable July heat than with a little slow-mo starring Kate Upton. Sure, the fellow who put this montage together is probably creepier than an afternoon in Arnold Friedman’s computer class, but that can’t stop us from enjoying the moving pictures.
What’s the sports tie-in, you ask? Well to be fair, Miss Upton was in the SI Swimsuit issue, which will forever to be tied to sports. Specifically though, this clip had me wondering just how scintillating it might have looked had the YES Network’s super slow-mo cam, otherwise known as YES-MO, been used. An HD camera able to show slow-motion replays of up to 1,000 frames per second surely would have come in handy here.
[via @Michael_Necci]