Lennay Kekua, Manti Te'o's Fake Deceased Girlfriend, is Still Tweeting, Obviously
By Tim Ryan

Lennay Kekua, now famous for never existing and never being Manti Te’o’s girlfriend, is still miraculously zombie-tweeting under the handle @LennayKay.
Tonight’s stirring undead tweet centers around some sort of truth session set to take place tomorrow at 3pm EST/12pm PST. Quite naturally, the above Twitter account was created today. Still, perhaps this is the person(s) behind this rapidly unraveling shitshow, perhaps it’s just another jackass on Twitter, or perhaps it’s both. The key takeaway here is that everyone remains massively confused and deliciously curious.
The reference to Reagan in the tweet is of course referring to Arizona Cardinals fullback Reagan Mauia, who claims to have actually met Kekua, who, as you know, was allegedly made up and fake-died this past September. The two retweets of what Te’o posted to “her” in September and November that can also be seen on the page were simply dug up and retweeted today. You’ll notice the handle for “@LennayKay” within those two tweets is no longer clicackable. I know, crafty stuff.
If you now feel like throwing on a Velcro suit and jumping into a Velcro wall with reckless abandon, you’re certainly not alone.
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