Jimmy 'The Mouth of the South' Hart and Nasty Boy Brian Knobbs are Big Marlins Fans, Who Knew? [Video]
By Mike Cardillo

Working in the P.R. department for the Miami Marlins has to be on the short list of worst jobs in North American professional sports. That, or toiling in the team’s group sales division.
Cheer up Marlins gameday staff, you’ve got some “celebrity” fans in the form of wrestling manager extraordinaire Jimmy “the Mouth of the South” Hart and former WWE/WCW tag team champion, Brian Knobbs of Nasty Boys fame. The pair was caught on camera during Monday’s Braves/Marlins game in South Florida and neither have lost their ability to cut a slick wrestling promo since Knobbs labeled Marlins Park as, “the best park I’ve ever been at.” Hart touted the stadium’s popcorn as “awesome.”
Maybe next time the duo is in South Beach they can bring along their pal Hulk Hogan to drum up some love for the Marlins, although he’s probably too busy running his restaurant in Tampa.
Since it’s talked about in the video, here’s a clip of the Nasty Boys defeating the Hart Foundation for the WWF Tag Team belts at Wrestlemania VII in Los Angeles. There’s also Jake the Snake fighting with a bag on his head at the end of the video.
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