"ALCOHOL ON US" - 20-Year-Old Cashmere Wright


It’s not up to me say whether its right or wrong. It is up to me to say that its a dumb thing to tweet about. When I was in college everyone still used AIM. We would put stuff about drinking in our away messages. Not the smartest idea if your R.A. has your screen name. I remember hearing stories about people getting cracked for alcohol violations based on Facebook photos.

Incidents like this are only going to happen more often as technology continues to take over our lives. As great as the internet is, its here to ruin the good times of people like you, me and Cashmere. Also, don’t blast Simple Plan out your dorm window when you’re playing beer pong at 8pm on a Sunday. And if you do, check the peep hole before you open the door to the first person that knocks, Ben.

[Rush The Court, Image via Getty]