Zoomer Wins World Snail Racing Championships


The World Snail Racing Championship took place in England on Sunday and it seems that the event got lost in all the news coverage of the World Cup and British Open. Better late than never. The winning snail was Zoomer, a small snail of indeterminate sex, age and religious beliefs.  Zoomer was the first ever Snail Racing Championship entry by, 6 year old trainer, Anton Lucas. Via the Telegraph:

The rules are simple. Each competitor brings their own snails. Each is marked with a number – for, as the organisers admit, “One garden snail looks very much like another.”

If you were wondering how big the track is…

The racing track is marked with two concentric circles. Snails are placed along the inner circle, and the winner is the first to reach the outer circle. The distance is 13 inches if a snail travels in a straight line. Some do, some don’t. The course record is two minutes, set a decade ago by a snail called Archie.

And really, is this any more dumb than horse racing?
