Ozzie Guillen's Money Rant About Buying a 62-Foot Boat Might Be His Best Diatribe Ever


"“With the rings, I can’t do [anything] with that,’’ he said. “But with money, I can go buy me a new boat, I can go buy me a new car, I can dress my wife the way I want to dress her, I can go to Spain. With the ring, I can go to United Airlines and say, ‘Hello, I won the 2005 championship. Can you fly me to Spain?’ Hell, no. “Money is everything besides health. Money is next to that. A lot of people say, ‘Oh, love.’ They don’t know what love means. I guarantee you, if you raise a girl where I grew up and you’ve got no money and she loves you, but you put the same girl with a guy who’s got a lot of money, I’ll bet she’ll love the guy with money. That’s the way it is. I love you, but I’m hungry. “I work in this job for money. I don’t work for nothing. Money. That’s it. The ring? [Bleep] the ring. I don’t even wear my [bleeping] rings. I don’t.’’"

I think he went a little overboard with the “money is everything besides health,” but I don’t want to turn this into a religious discussion. The positives of Guillen’s mouthiness? Even when the White Sox stink, he makes them relevant. His currency is candor, and even though some folks will cringe or laugh at this next part, you know the majority of the population is thinking this:

"“You know what I saw a couple days ago?’’ he said. “I saw a 62-foot boat. That’s what I want, and that’s what I’m going to get. People have to pay me for that. White Sox? I don’t know. Marlins? I don’t know. But somebody will pay. I want to buy my [bleeping] boat. That’s my inspiration. My inspiration is money. That’s everybody’s inspiration.’’ “If I leave here, I will say, ‘I leave here because I want to make my [bleeping] money,’ ” he said. “You know why? Because no [bleeping] fans, no [bleeping] Jerry or [bleeping] anybody is going to take care of my grandkids and put me in a 62-foot boat. That’s why there’s free agency.’’"

Somewhere near Georgetown, in Washington DC, Jayson Werth of the Nationals was spotted reading this rant and nodding vigorously while boarding his boat. [Sun-Times]