Mike Francesa Confirms the Titans Have Stayed in the "Wild Hard C- - -"


Mike Francesa has never been known to be a keeper of impressive grammar or have an ability to deliver it properly. I mean, the man refers to himself “Mike Franceser.” So listening to his show comes with the understanding that a thorough butchering of the English language happens more often than it doesn’t. It’s part of his “charm.” But then there are special moments like yesterday where Mikey unintentionally ups the ante on himself by referring to the “wildcard hunt” as the “wild hard cunt.” Bravo, big fella.

Since we’re here, let’s relive the moment where a little “Joba to the bullpen” discussion caused Francesa to lose his beautiful mind. Remix courtesy of one of my favorites, Tirico Suave:

[Via Bob’s Blitz]