Bernie Fine Case: Zach Tomaselli, the Third Accuser, Admits to Doctoring Emails From His School and Police


Today, the Post-Standard states that Tomaselli admitted to doctoring e-mails from both his school district and the police department before presenting them to the paper. This comes on the heels of yesterday’s story where the district attorney, William Fitzpatrick, claims Tomaselli originally told investigators that the assault by Fine occurred at a road game at Connecticut, but changed his story after they discovered there was no game at Connecticut during that time.

Tomaselli’s credibility is shot, especially since there is no corroborating evidence. He can claim he doctored things and lied to reporters, while still telling the truth, but the damage is done. He is the only accuser who would have been within the statute of limitations (plus his allegations of interstate travel raised other potential avenues), but now, it looks like Fine will not be subject to criminal prosecution, and it will come down to where we were when the story first broke, and only a little ahead of what ESPN knew 8 years ago. The tape recording is still damaging, and certainly casts a bad light on Fine and his wife. Bobby Davis and Mike Lang are still pursuing a lawsuit, but no other credible source has come forward now that Tomaselli and the fourth accuser both look to be unreliable.

Previously: Bobby Davis and Mike Lange Hire Gloria Allred, Will Sue Syracuse University and Jim Boeheim
Previously: Onondaga County DA Will Not Bring State Charges Against Bernie Fine, But Calls Bobby Davis and Mike Lang Credible
Previously: Jim Boeheim Apologizes: “I Am Really Sorry That I Did That . . . It Was Insensitive”
Previously: Syracuse Post-Standard Explains Their Decision Regarding the Laurie Fine Tape
Previously: Jim Boeheim: “I Supported A Friend, That’s What I Thought I Did”
Previously: Jim Boeheim Should Be Suspended, But Not Fired, At This Point
Previously: ESPN’s Role in the Bernie Fine Investigation is Troubling

[photo via Getty]