Kevin Smith Was Missed Well Before He Was Done Making Movies


It saddens me to see guy who made Dogma decide he’s just going to stick with podcasting, public speaking and pot smoking. Though I admit those are all noble pursuits, I always felt like Smith deserved better. That’s why when TBL said he was just going to throw a link in the Roundup about the end of Smith’s movie career, I said no! Kevin Smith is the film director of the Internet generation. He shaped the way I shape dick and fart jokes and deserves his own post.

Here – in order – are the 10 Kevin Smith films: Clerks, Mallrats, Chasing Amy, Dogma, Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back, Jersey Girl, Clerks II, Zack and Miri Make A Porno, Cop Out and Red State.

Some quick notes on some of these works and more…

Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back was the first Kevin Smith movie I ever saw. I had no knowledge of any of the reference material. I laughed my ass off. My friends and I watched J&SBSB over and over. I learned every word and to this day I can lip synch the entire movie like one of my favorite albums.

One more thing about Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back – has any movie more accurately portrayed the actual internet than this film?

After that I went back, watched and then bought the entire Jersey Trilogy, which consist of five films (Clerks through J&SBSB) and a short-lived but amazing 6-episode cartoon.

Jersey Girl is not a bad movie.

Cop Out is a bad movie. Smith blames Bruce Willis. I blame everyone involved.

Zack and Miri Make a Porno is a good movie.

I have not seen Red State. It’s right there in my Netflix queue and it’s available to Watch Instantly. I know. I guess I’m shell-shocked from his most recent work. What Smith tried with Red State should be celebrated the way that Louis C.K. was celebrated for his latest self-distribution model.

Clerks II… I have very mixed feelings. Obviously, not the original, but it wasn’t the worst thing ever either. It was funny and re-watchable, but I just didn’t love it the way I did with the other movies.

Have you seen the Clerks cartoon? Ah-mazing.

I cannot see an escalator without thinking of Brodie.

Clerks is possibly the best independent comedy ever.

My personal favorite top five Kevin Smith films:
5. Chasing Amy
4. Dogma
3. Mallrats
2. Clerks
1. Jay & Silent Bob Strike Back

Your turn. Just remember this, you fucks.