Matt Kalil Now Has "A Sense of Entitlement" According to Mr. Anonymous Scout


"Not one of my faves,” one scout said. “More of it is just his character. He doesn’t have an offensive lineman’s character, especially when you take into account how good his brother is in that way. He’s got a real sense of entitlement. Hey, he’s got a lot of talent. He’ll overcome some of those things if he doesn’t want to wash out, if he doesn’t want to end up being Robert Gallery.”"

There’s no context, no support offered, because no one wants to go on the record with such comments. Is this based on statements provided from his USC coaches? Is this based on an individual 5 minute meeting where the “sense of entitlement” just exudes from Kalil. Or does this show up on tape?

My thoughts on this kind of comment are the same as yesterday with Griffin. First, scouts aren’t psychologists. If they are taking info from others, then fine, include it, note it, and figure out whether it is a trustworthy comment. If they are playing amateur psychologist themselves, stop.

We don’t care whether you are petty and didn’t like whatever interaction you had. It’s just as likely some scout didn’t have his sense of entitlement satisfied.

Lots of elite players have ego or a sense of entitlement (not saying that either of these comments are valid, only that it wouldn’t be a disqualifier). The key factor that should concern teams is whether a player’s ego is going to drive them to work hard and be the best at what he does. Anything else is pretty much character commentary that has no impact on scouting how the player will project.

[photo via US Presswire]