Deion Sanders Also Charged with Assault Following Incident That Landed His Wife in Jail


No details were released about the allegations, but a Prosper police spokesman said the new charge applies to any act that could be considered aggressive, including something as simple as a touch or jerking away from someone’s grip.

The charge carries a fine of up to $500, officials said.

Well, at least we know that Deion can afford the fine. Perhaps they should stop living together. I know their house is really big, but assault charges are much more likely if you’re going to run into each other in the grand hallway. [LA Times]

Previously: Deion Sanders Tweeted About Getting Jumped In His Home By His Wife and Her Friend
Previously: Deion Sanders’ Wife is Suing Him For $200 Million Because She is Not a Gold Digger
Previously: Deion Sanders’ Wife Accuses Prime Time of Philandering and Bullying