Joba Chamberlain Hasn't Heard From Kevin Youkilis After Leaving Welcoming Voicemail


Here’s Joba, who left a voicemail with the hairy third baseman, though has yet to hear back:

“I did everything I can do,” said Chamberlain. “I can’t control what Kevin Youkilis does, I can only control what I do and, you know what, we’ll go on from there.”

Joba’s right, he did everything he could do, most of which includes informing the media that Kevin Youkilis has failed to return his phone call. Suddenly, a non-story has become a story; a story that no one cares is a story and a story that inspired the Daily News to use the word “frenemies,” making for one hell of a story. So rather than hash out their differences properly like Dorn and Vaughn, the baseball world shall not rest until Youk sends Joba, at the very least, a thumbs up emoticon.

On the bright side, there’s only 67 more days until Opening Day.

[via NYDN]

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