A Mitch Mustain Documentary Is Coming Out, Narrated By Nolan Richardson


"“The thing I look forward to most is people getting to know him for who he is, rather than who he’s painted to be,” he said. “He’s a funny, funny guy.”"

Mustain’s story is interesting, for who he can be painted to be. Going Hollywood with it, Mustain was the high school legend destined for stardom. He was bringing his high school coach and his teammates along for the ride to his hometown school. Through bizarre circumstances and misfortune, everything fell apart.

Dispensing with the sports writing tropes, his story is also quite commonplace. Mustain was the Gatorade High School Player of the Year in 2006, you say? 2007 was John Brantley. 2009 was Garrett Gilbert. That list also includes Greg Paulus (2005), Chris Lewis (1999) and Ron Pawlus (1993).

Mustain was supposed to be a college star. So were a lot of people.