Mike Francesa 1776 Parody Video: Your Best Source for Benedict Arnold Jokes


Mike Francesa is an acquired taste. It says something about New York sports talk radio that his singular, unique take on sports has remained relevant for parts of four decades.

It also says something that listeners go to great lengths like this video, “Mike Zaun 1776.” Twitter user @BizarroZaun posted this late Monday afternoon. It imagines a scenario where the Big Guy/Sports Pope/New York’s No. 1 was a host in Revolutionary War-era America. (He’d be a yuge Loyalist, ok.)

If you’re a fan of the show, it hits on all the right notes over four hilarious minutes of on-the-mark parody. If you don’t, at least appreciate the creativity of taking a fictional sports-talk call from General Cornwallis.

Nice job. We await Mike talking about the video and dismissing it with his trademark pompous scorn.

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