Pat Dye Does Not Want Condoleezza Rice On Playoff Selection Committee, Is Silly


"“All she knows about football is what somebody told her,” Dye said. “Or what she read in a book, or what she saw on television. To understand football, you’ve got to play with your hand in the dirt.” “I love Condoleezza Rice and she’s probably a good statesman and all of that but how in the hell does she know what it’s like out there when you can’t get your breath and it’s 110 degrees and the coach asks you to go some more?”"

This controversy is asinine. The selection committee is not breaking down film, or doing anything football-related. It’s being asked to evaluate objective data and to make rational decisions. Almost anyone can do that. The only group of individuals with a track record of not being able to do that consistently are the men that have been running college football for the past century.

Condoleezza Rice would be fine on the committee. In fact, as a former Secretary of State, she’d have far more experience weighing opinions from various experts and reaching a consensus. Have her run the damn thing.

Related: David Pollack Says Women Don’t Belong on College Football Playoff Selection Committee
Related: Condoleezza Rice Expected to Be on College Football Playoff Committee, According to Report

[Photo via Getty]