Phoenix Radio Guy Votes PJ Tucker as NBA Defensive Player of the Year, Leaves Joakim Noah Off Ballot
By Jason McIntyre

As if you need another reminder why it’s a bad idea to have the media vote for postseason awards, meet Al McCoy of KTAR Radio (Phoenix). He handed in the following NBA Defensive Player of the Year ballot:
1) PJ Tucker, Phoenix Suns
2) Roy Hibbert, Indiana Pacers
3) Dwight Howard, Houston Rockets
Tough to quibble with Hibbert. He finished second overall in the voting. Howard? He had an up-and-down year but wasn’t the defense force he previously had been in Orlando. Howard finished 9th in the voting.
PJ Tucker? Yeah, that’s a curious one. Did McCoy lose a bet? Is he a really big fan of Tucker, who was once a star at Texas? Tucker received one other vote (a 3rd) from – wait for it – another radio guy in Arizona.
Obviously two dumb votes shouldn’t spoil it for everyone else, and definitely shouldn’t sully the final result. I’m all for outside-the-box choices, but … PJ Tucker? Come on now.
I counted 125 total ballots. Noah was on 121 of them. The other three media members who didn’t feel Noah was worthy? John Denton of (his ballot: Hibbert, Anthony Davis, Serge Ibaka), Dwain Price of the Ft. Worth Star Telegram (his ballot: DeAndre Jordan, Ibaka, Howard) and Dominique Wilkins of Fox Sports South (his ballot: Jordan, Howard, Marc Gasol).
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