A Post About Balls That Has Nothing to Do With Tom Brady, Bill Belichick or the Patriots


Balls are in the news this week, have you heard that, Paul? Sorry that was my attempt at a Dave Letterman desk joke. Let’s get all the apologies out of the way right away because this is going to be the dumbest thing you’ll click on all week, which actually I don’t feel bad about since nobody forced you to navigate this link. The title was fairly accurate and straightforward, no less.

That said, here are 10 balls that have nothing to do with, ugh, #DeflateGate. Hope you like it. I’ll be here awaiting the call from the Pulitzer committee.

Schweddy Balls

Get it? The punchline is balls.

Ikea Swedish Meatballs

You can never go wrong with anything slathered in brown gravy.


Here’s all the visual proof you need that the Patriots cheated. Mel Brooks is a prophet.

Nerf Balls

Can’t deflate these bad boys, Roger.


This post sucks? Well, that’s like your opinion, man.

Super Balls

According to legend, Lamar Hunt came up with the name Super Bowl based off Super Balls. So, see, this post is relevant!

Balls Mahoney

An (original) ECW wrestler who came to the ring to the sounds of AC/DC’s “Big Balls.” Yep.

Cheese Balls

The perfect holiday gift to show your co-workers how little you think of them.

Great Balls of Fire

Jerry Lee Lewis nickname was “Killer.” He also was pretty good playing the piano with his feet.

Ow My Balls

We did it America!!! What a time to be alive!

RELATED: Here’s a Supercut of Tom Brady Talking About Balls
RELATED: Tom Brady Denies Having Anything to Do With Deflating Footballs, Says Investigators Haven’t Talked to Him Yet