Parks & Recreation Adds More Sabermetric Lawyers to the Law Offices of Babip, Pecota, Vorp & Eckstein


Parks & Recreation continues to sprint through its final season. Last night saw a full episode of “The Johnny Karate Super Awesome Musical Explosion.” One of the highlights was a legal disclaimer that scrolled across the screen when a tarantula got loose on the set of the titular children’s television program. The disclaimer was written by a legal firm which had previously been mentioned on Parks & Rec as Babip, Pecota, Vorp, and Eckstein.

The new partners include Fwar, Dips, Winshares, Gritt, Nelsson, Woba, Eraplus, Zswing, Range-Factor and Heart. You can read the entire disclaimer below. Or go to the NBC website to watch the whole episode.