Nik Stauskas and Taylor Anderson Broke Up According to High School Twitter


"School Principal Matthew Czajkowski said Monday that Guerra communicated with Stauskas Sunday night via Twitter and it appears the popular couple have broken up. Guerra has been planning on the date with Anderson, who was going to be accompanied by Stauskas, since January. “It doesn’t look good,” Czajkowski said."

I can’t believe they scheduled the prom opposite Game 1 of the NBA Finals. No wonder they expect attendance to be down. Meanwhile, if getting your celebrity couple news from the local newspaper is too impersonal, you should know that Stauskas’ last appearance on Anderson’s Instagram was on May 10th. So, basically we have no clue what Stauskas is doing tonight, but I know one thing for certain – Prom is going to kick serious ass.

[The News-Herald, h/t: @JasonLisk]