Cal Bears Dip Strange Foods in Honey Mustard


If you ever forget that college athletes are also college kids, just watch this video of Cal Bears’ senior defensive tackle David Davis and junior defensive tackle Marcus Manley dipping different foods in honey mustard. The story goes that early one morning in the cafeteria, Davis used honey mustard on some chicken apple sausage. From there, his nickname became “Honey Mustard.”

Anyone who has ever spent any time sitting around a college cafeteria knows that it takes a lot less than that to get a nickname. (I had a friend we called “Pope” because he wore a white hat to dinner once.) And sitting around trying strange and/or disgusting food combinations is a certainty. (Have you ever seen what happens when you pour half a cup of Mountain Dew on a full plate of sugar? NOTHING. But I know that from experience because college.)

In this video, Manley and Davis test out honey mustard as a dipping sauce for some unconventional items such as pie, bananas, and cereal. The results are pretty amusing. The situation is relatable. Just imagine what foods these guys could be mixing if they were getting paid!