Oscar Pistorius Convicted of Murder of Reeva Steenkamp


Oscar Pistorius, the “Blade Runner,”  has been convicted of murder in the death of his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp. South Africa’s Supreme Court overruled the previous conviction of culpable homicide. Pistorius was found not guilty of murder and guilty of culpable homicide in September of 2014. In October 2015, after a year in jail, Pistorius moved to home detention. Via CNN:

"Judge Eric Leach ruled Thursday that the Paralympic gold medalist should have foreseen that his firing of a gun would have killed whoever was behind the door, regardless of whether he thought it was Steenkamp or an intruder. He called Pistorius’ testimony about his actions “unacceptable,” “vacillating” and “contradictory.” Prosecutors had argued that the 29-year old — known as the “Blade Runner” in a reference to the prosthetic legs he uses when he races — intentionally killed Steenkamp following an argument. Leach stated that although Pistorius had genuine beliefs that his life was in danger, he should have acted more rationally. He never fired a warning shot, and shot not once but four times. “The identity of victim is irrelevant to his guilt,” he said."

Pistorius now faces up to 15-years in prison.