Stanford Alum Carly Fiorina is Shamelessly Rooting for Iowa in Rose Bowl


Republican presidential hopeful Carly Fiorina earned a bachelors degree from Stanford University. But that’s her past. Presently she’s gunning to become her party’s nominee. That process would be buoyed by a strong showing in Iowa.

That explains the above tweet, which belongs in a museum dedicated to spineless pandering.

Does she really think Iowa voters are so stupid that they’d hold rooting for the Cardinal in the Rose Bowl against her? Does she really believe cowering in the face of backlash from Hawkeyes fans (literally the nicest fanbase in the country) will give anyone confidence she can handle an actual hostile threat?

Regardless of one’s political persuasion, we should all be able to agree that such turn-coat behavior has no place in sports.

Really tough to stomach.
