VIDEO: Shane McMahon Had an Evasive Answer About His Relationship With Triple H


" In case you missed the HHH question directed at Shane…SO AWKWARD — Trask (@traskbryant) May 24, 2016 "

Shane McMahon did a podcast hosted by Mick Foley on the WWE Network (subscription required) Monday night. It touched on a lot of topics, including his relationship with his father, why he left WWE in 2009, and why he returned to fight The Undertaker at WrestleMania.

In the snippet above, Foley asked Shane O Mac about his present relationship with his brother-in-law, Triple H (real name Paul Levesque). McMahon described it as unchanged, but when Foley followed up on whether it could be characterized as “strong,” McMahon gave an indirect answer: “He makes my sister happy, and I’m happy he does that.”

Foley twice observed, correctly, that McMahon sounded evasive, and then asked if there was any contention there, to which McMahon said there was not.

As Fox Sports transcribed, this is what he Shane said when asked about the marriage between Stephanie and Triple H:

"At first it was … As long as they’re going to be happy, that’s all I really cared about. It was more old school, back in the day – especially the boss’ daughter, you don’t ever date a talent at that point. There was separation, at that time it was church and state, “office” and “the boys,” if you will. The thing that didn’t sit well with me is it was kept from me for a while. So that didn’t feel good, but other than that … again, as long as my sister’s happy, that’s great.”"

As I often write here, there’s a particular brand of surreality in WWE. Even though these podcasts purportedly break kayfabe, there are also still areas where the players are in-character.

Triple H and Shane McMahon have not yet intertwined in the storyline since the latter’s return. The operative word there is yet.

In real life, the natural rivalry between Shane and Stephanie for current and future power of WWE of course extends to Steph’s husband. This will likewise play out on television, and that we’ll never truly know which elements of it are fact versus fiction is what’s fun about consuming such a silly genre.

[Video via @traskbryant]