Ricky Williams is Now the Face of a Weed Gym ... Wait, What?


The free market in America is having its weed moment, which means here come the brands. Snoop Dogg has a weed brand, Woody Harrelson tried to open a dispensary, there are weed cookbooks, weed resorts, weed tours, weed yoga. You name it, somebody is trying to incorporate weed into it.

Including, nonsensically, the gym.

Naturally, Ricky Williams is the spokesperson for this. He recently became a partner with San Francisco’s Power Plant Fitness and its salty-tongued co-founder Trace William Cohen:

"“Having (Williams) as a partner is f****** awesome because he exemplifies a successful and very athletic person who also uses cannabis,” McAlpine said. “Ricky is as smart as he is a talented athlete. And that is a big statement.”"

This is true. Nobody more seamlessly combines the identities of (1) stoner and (2) athlete than Ricky Williams, the Heisman-winning running back who spent much of his professional career battling the NFL on one marijuana-related issue or another.

And yet the concept, here, is a little hazy. Marijuana is a known PED for, say, musicians, and it is an effective pain reliever for athletes, but it remains unclear how, exactly, it will help someone achieve a more effective workout than they would sober.

Maybe Tech Insider can explain:

"New members will take a “cannabis performance assessment” under the supervision of staff to determine the “most optimal ways to consume.” Some might find a bite out a pot brownie gives them the push they need to complete a circuit training workout, while others find it knocks them on the floor. “We will be helping our members figure out how is best for them to ingest their cannabis,” McAlpine tells Tech Insider in an email."

Ok, sure. Whatever you say, man.