Magic Johnson's Tweets Were Too Hot for Him to Retain Ceremonial Title With Lakers

Magic Johnson is known for having an over-the-top earnest and milquetoast Twitter account (the lone exception being returning fire at Peter Vecsey). However, thoughts about moves the Lakers should try in free agency, like wooing LeBron James and Kevin Durant, must have gone over the line in some circles.
Magic became an unpaid VP of the Lakers (some amount of) years ago, and that title is no longer. It’s difficult to parse through the statements and figure out whether the Lakers stripped him of it, or whether they presented an ultimatum to him to stop his meddlesome suggestions to the front office (which apparently could be construed as tampering) and he said no, but the Lakers released this statement, which reads in part:
"“He is not an advisor or a consultant, and his opinions, comments and social media posts are solely his, and do not represent or reflect those of Lakers ownership or management. Hopefully this will eliminate any confusion over this issue in the future.”"
Never again will anyone’s mind be in a pretzel over this distinction.