Connor Shaw Says Hit that Broke His Leg Was "Cheap BS"


On Saturday, Chiefs defensive lineman Rakeem Nunez-Roches hit Bears quarterback Connor Shaw, and rolled over his leg, breaking it. Today, Shaw has weighed in about what he perceives is the legitimacy of the hit:

Here are videos of the hit for you to judge for yourself (warning: don’t watch if you are squeamish):

" Connor Shaw injury: — Dane Noble (@WindyCGridiron) August 27, 2016 "

" Connor Shaw injury: — Dane Noble (@WindyCGridiron) August 27, 2016 "

Shaw was in immediate pain and trainers rushed to his side:

" Connor Shaw in pain: — Dane Noble (@WindyCGridiron) August 27, 2016 "

What do you think: Dirty, or the unfortunate reality of football’s being an aggressive, violent game?