Ontario Media Member Identified as Suspected Beer Can Thrower at Blue Jays Wild Card Game


Ken Pagan has been identified as the man Toronto police are looking for in the beer throwing incident that took place during the 7th inning of the American League Wild Card Game. Pagan is apparently a copy editor at PostMedia’s Hamilton office. PostMedia is the company that owns the Toronto Sun, the publication that offered the $1,000 reward to help identify him.

According to the Canadian publication Metro, Pagan left the office shortly after the picture was made public. His Twitter account has also been deleted. Pagan communicated very briefly with the PostMedia:

"On Tuesday night, Pagan, who was at the game after work, said he’d been advised by his lawyer, Frank Genesee, not to speak about the incident but did suggest the police may have it wrong. “I was drinking out of a cup,” Pagan told Postmedia, and suggested Twitter photos that show him after the can was tossed clearly indicate he had a cup in his hand. “I’d love to tell you what happened and my story … but I can’t say anything.”"

This should be an interesting story to watch develop.