VIDEO: Baylor Baseball Turned Wildly Efficient 2-5-3-4-2-6 Double Play


Baylor beat Dallas Baptist earlier this week, 8-6. Here’s something weird that happened.

The play was scored a 2-5-3-4-2-6 double play.

Any bunt that results in two outs should be considered a suicide squeeze because it killed an inning.

The pitcher did not participate in the play. In fact, he just kind of wandered around in front of the mound and had to duck on the final throw. He did however do pretty intense fistpumps.

The third baseman tried to throw a runner out at first from third base on a bunt fielded by the catcher near home plate and thrown to third.

Both runners were tagged out on the second try. At a different base than the fielding team originally tried to get them out at.

The lesson? Never give up on a play. Or try to take an extra base against the Baylor baseball team. They’ll get you.