Conor McGregor Officially Out of Outrageous Thing to Say, Says He Might Invent MMA


Conor McGregor has become one of the biggest stars not just in his own sport, but Sport in general by being awesome and saying outrageous things. That’s how he talked his way into a boxing match with Floyd Mayweather despite never having actually boxed before. So what’s next for McGregor? Who knows. Even he is at a loss for words as he showed during a press conference today when he suggested he created some sort of hybrid sport that combines MMA and boxing.

Conor should know that MMA is a hybrid of boxing and other martial arts. A mix, if you will. And there are MMA promotions that use boxing-style rings and ropes. What’s next? He starts a website that mixes sports and pop culture? He’s officially running out of things to say. This fight can’t get over soon enough so he can just go back to insulting people.