Newly Discovered Document Reveals Jim Caldwell's Favorite Movie


Jim Caldwell yesterday refused to tell the media which movie is his favorite out of concern the information would be “misconstrued.” It was a counterproductive way to avoid a silly story as it only caused people to dig deeper for answers.

And when’s Ian Rapoport is on the case, the darkness will inevitably come to light. He tweeted out an old coach’s questionnaire Caldwell filled out containing his favorite movie and other personal information.

Caldwell took over the Lions in 2014 and it’s unclear what year this survey was completed. Perhaps a recent film has surpassed The Magnificent Seven as the apple of the coach’s eye.

If not, what is so potentially problematic about the western? It’s a fine flick.

One potential answer is that the Lions have had a tremendous amount of trouble getting the full complement of 11 players on defense during Caldwell’s tenure. In a recent game against the Ravens the unit allowed a crucial third-down conversion with nine guys on the field. Perhaps anything numerical is best left avoided.

Anyway, we now know that at one point in his life, Caldwell’s favorite movie was Magnificent Seven. Do with that information as you see fit. Misconstrue away!