Stormy Daniels: Donald Trump Told Ben Roethlisberger to Walk Me to My Room
By Kyle Koster

InTouch Weekly has published a lengthy interview with porn star Stormy Daniels in which she recounts the details of her affair with Donald Trump. Surprisingly enough, there is a sports angle and it comes out of nowhere.
"IT: Was that before or after? Stormy: After. We were still in the bedroom. We hung out for a little while and he just kept saying, “I’m gonna call you, I’m gonna call you. I have to see you again. You’re amazing. We have to get you on.” I ended up leaving and the next night I saw him again at a party. It was in the downstairs of the hotel I was in and he was hanging out with Ben Roethlisberger. When I got there, he was already with him. He had Keith, his bodyguard, call me and ask me if I was coming. When I got there, I called Keith and he told me where he was sitting and he brought me over. And he was hanging out with Ben for a long time. A couple other people around, nobody famous. Mostly people trying to hang on to them. Ben had just won the Super Bowl that year. Donald excused himself. He had to leave, I don’t remember why, and he made Ben promise to take care of me. I stayed another 15-20 minutes and Ben Roethlisberger actually walked me up to my room that night because Donald told him to. Yeah, he walked me all the way to my hotel room."
Hmm. Despite his impressive size, Roethlisberger is not the name that immediately comes to mind for any potential chivalrous escorting job. But if 2018 and the years preceding it have taught us anything, it’s to expect the unexpected. The topsy-turvy news cycle follows no logical tract.
Regardless what you think of Daniels, Trump, or this story, it would have been interesting to see how the media would have treated it in advance of the Super Bowl, had Pittsburgh made it that far. The potential for all-time circus atmosphere is definitely there.