Red Stripe Buys Sled For Jamaican Bobsled Team After Coach Quits
After a drama-filled few days, the Jamaican women’s bobsled team now has a sled, thanks to Red Stripe. The Jamaican beer company offered to buy the women’s team a sled after their coach quit on Wednesday and threatened to take the sled with him.
When they heard that, Red Stripe immediately jumped in via Twitter:
One estimate showed an Olympic bobsled could cost around $50,000, but that’s clearly not an issue for Red Stripe.
The Jamaicans have a female bobsled team at the Olympics for the first time in Pyeongchang. The team’s debut comes 30 years after the men’s team captured the world’s hearts at the 1988 Winter Olympics in Calgary. Though the Jamaicans crashed on their final run that year, they were the talk of the games.
Jamaica’s women’s team consists of Carrie Russell and Jazmine Fenlator-Victorian and will compete next week.
I’ve never been a Red Stripe drinker, but you better believe I’m buying a 12-pack this weekend to honor them for this awesome gesture.
And of course, there’s this commercial: