The Consensus Best Television Shows That We Never Finished


You’ve seen lists of the best television shows of all-time. You hear people talking about these hits. Maybe you started to watch them once upon a time, but for one reason or another, stopped and never got back to it. Maybe you heard the hype and checked it out years after it ran, but did not get it.

Well, you are not alone in your shame. Here, we publicly admit the most prominent television shows that we started watching, but haven’t gotten around to finishing (and may never do so).


Jason Lisk: I was way behind on ‘The Wire’ to begin with, but about five years ago, I dug in. I loved Season 1, binged through it in a month (that counts as a full-on binge when you have four kids and no free time). I started Season 2. I’ve read plenty of folks who say, in retrospect, Season 2 is one of the best seasons. Others say it sets everything up. But for whatever reason, I didn’t get into the new storylines as much and, while it wasn’t an intentional decision, I’ve never gotten back to Season 2 to finish it, let alone the whole series.


Ryan Glasspiegel: I only made it through a few episodes. I know if I really dug in I’d probably like it but it just didn’t hook me.

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Kyle Koster: This is bit different because I do intend to finish the series, but only started a last month. Nine episodes in, this thing rocks. These people cannot resolve their issues through conversation and immediately turn to bloodshed.

Ryan Glasspiegel: I’m not big into unrealistic fiction, whether that involves dragons or other planets or whatever else. I watched one episode and quickly realized this show wasn’t for me.


Jason Lisk: Everyone here at The Big Lead raved about Friday Night Lights, so I started watching it. I made it about eight episodes in before realizing life was too short.


Bobby Burack: Tried this because I wanted more of Michael K. Williams, well, Omar, and this was the closest thing I was going to get. I got through half the first season, and I began to watch the first season of True Detective. Only one show at a time, people.


Kyle Koster: Had to move before I finished the last two episodes, don’t have HBO anymore. Has been on my to-do list for months but just can’t seem to pull the trigger. Worst thing is, so much time has elapsed that I’ve forgotten both major plot lines and all the symbolism. Hard to overstate how much I screwed this one up. May the good Lord take me from this Earth if ever I should make the same mistake again.

Ryan Phillips: I loved season two of this show. The writing, acting, visuals and general weirdness totally had me hooked. Season one was fine, season two was legitimately amazing television. I never started season three and have absolutely no excuse for my neglect. None. I deserve and accept all scorn heaped on me as a result.

Better Call Saul

Ryan Phillips: “Breaking Bad” is undoubtedly one of the greatest television shows of all-time. While the ending was perfect, I still wanted more. So I was fired up when “Better Call Saul” was green lit. I watched the first season and enjoyed it. I was watching the second season and was totally into it and then I missed an episode. I figured I’d come back to it. Then I got distracted. I’ve still never continued it. Other shows have come into my orbit and now I probably need to start all over again, which feels daunting. First world problems.