The 2019 NFL Draft Hats Are Loud and They Rule


It’s a day ending in “y” so that means people are sharing bad sartorial opinions online. This time, the wrong-opinion-havers are focusing on the New Era NFL draft hats. Draft hats that are not subtle. That take risks. That live their truth.

Here’s what I’m talking about.

Sure, I mean, there is definitely something to be said about understated class. But if you can’t blow it out big for draft night, when can you let your hair down and allow your flashy hat to stop traffic?

Fashion decisions that look perplexing in retrospect are half the fun of draft nights anyway. Tell me you don’t enjoy hopping into the wayback machine every now and again to laugh at baggy suits, jean shorts, or any number of garments worn in the past by our nation’s finest athletes.

Also — and this is important — any hat in the world is easier for a draftee to pull off than what Roger Goodell tries to sell with that trademark Bro hug he gives incoming players. Ain’t no one buying it.

So, yeah, sign me up for a few of those hats. They will go with absolutely nothing in my closest and, hey, that’s probably the point. Any existing look must orbit around the hat’s existence and gravitational pull, not the other way around.