Leave Kyler Murray's Height Alone, Jon Snow Made Being Short Cool Again


I am not writing this as someone who is around 5′ 9″, but instead as someone who cares. Kyler Murray is getting some harsh pushback right now for looking not too tall next to Melissa Stark. The internet, to put it accurately, is picking on him:

But the thing is, people are missing the new trend. Which is, of course, short guys have replaced tall guys on the, “I want to be that guy” list. This is thanks to me Jon Snow. Jon is the guy right now. He has the swagger we all want and strive to have. And he is doing so at a reported 5′8″ height.

Looking ahead, Murray is about to become a show in the NFL, proving men over 6 feet tall are overrated. Laugh now, but you heard it here first.